by Lee Keat Peng & Grace Koh Introduction Students struggling with Mathematics often need help identifying what they do not know. While teachers often encourage these students to approach them…
by Tan Ching
Ms. Marie fixed her gaze on the rows of pigeonholes lining the wall, each one bursting with files and folders. With a determined spirit, she began to collect…
by Alan Yang
Practice Does Not Make Perfect
Several years ago, I taught Michael (not his real name) in Primary Six. His mother was adamant that more composition practices would only perfect…
by Lim Mingxun and Darren Woo, Edgefield Secondary School
The Social Studies curriculum is designed with the aim to develop students to become informed, concerned and participative individuals who are…
by Charlene Chen, Christabel Hung, Ong Wan Ting, N4 Cluster Assessment Champions
Our Singapore Curriculum Philosophy highlights the fraternity’s belief that ”assessment is integral to learning and in so helping…
by Miss Edna Tay Edna Tay from Naval Base Secondary School shares her study on the use of heat maps as an assessment for learning tool in the teaching…
By Lim Li Qing, Rathna Raghesh and Crescendra Chong English and Literature Department, Naval Base Secondary School Why do my students make too many content errors despite me going…
Student Engagement with Feedback:
Feeding Up instead of Getting “Fed Up” about Giving Student Feedback
by Koh-Ng Yui Yun
Brennan Kwa
Shirley Yeo-Tham
(Edgefield Secondary School)
The search for effective feedback strategies has…
The Use of Learner-Centered Feedback Design to Improve Oral Response for Conversational Questions
by Muhd Ammar Bin Abdul Aziz
Faezah Noorahman
Noorazlina Noordin
Sharifah Noraini Aron
Please refer to the link below for the presentation on “Developing a Pedagogy of Feedback for Humanities Subjects” by Jin Xiaoxi, Chong WenEe & Ng Kok Wah from E dgefield Secondary…